Syracuse Rose Society

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2012 New York State Fair

Thank you to all of the volunteers who helped set up and staff the Rose Booth at the New York State Fair. In addition to Syracuse Rose Society members, these volunteers were from Rose Societies across the state.(Capital District, Manhattan, Greater Rochester, Western New York) An additional thank you to rose society members from Delaware, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania who helped judge the District and National portion of the State Fair Rose show. A continuous donation of fresh cut roses by Syracuse Rose Society members staffing the booth and visiting the Fair provided a constant fresh supply of roses for the public to view.


Fair goers stopping at the booth enjoyed sharing stories about their experiences at the E.M. Mills Rose Garden. One person was looking specifically for the Hybrid Tea Bridal Pink. Her grandfather named the rose while employed at Jackson and Perkins. The rose was not at the booth at the time of her visit, but it is a rose grown at the E.M.Mills Rose Garden.


Although overall attendance at the Fair was down from previous years, Syracuse Rose Society current members signed-up 34 new members to the Syracuse Rose Society. These new members were also signed up for the 4 month Trial Membership in the American Rose Society. These new members were enthusiastic rose growers and will be an asset to the Syracuse Rose Society/American Rose Society membership.


Ann Gibson