Syracuse Rose Society

Mills Rose Garden

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The Dr. E.M. Mills Rose Garden is located in Thornden Park, Syracuse, NY near the campus of Syracuse University.

Directions to Mills Garden:
From North, South, or West: approach on Rt. 81. Exit at Adams St.; go east on Adams through University area to its dead-end at Ostrom Ave. Turn right, go one block to the first left turn, and turn left into the Mills Garden.

From East: From E. Genesee St. in Dewitt, approach on 481 South to its junction with Rt. 81. Go north on 81 to Adams St. exit. Proceed as above.

There are over 3550 rose bushes in the Mills Garden, including many of the favorite varities as well as those that are not seen frequently. The Lawrence Johnston climbers are spectacular in the spring. Many artists visit the garden and capture the beauty of the flowers in their pictures.

A visit to the Mills Garden is beautiful any time of year.

Volunteers maintain the garden every Wednesday morning from April until November.
The Mills Rose Garden was named Best Wedding Photo Spot in the 2014 "The Best of Syracuse" Syracuse New Times annual poll.

E.M. Mills memorial Rose Garden 90th Anniversary July, 2014

History of the EM Mills Rose Garden and Thornden Park
Edmund Mills' New York Legacy
The ARS legacy of Edmund M Mills
Mills Garden celebrates 85th Anniversary