Syracuse Rose Society

ARS recognition
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American Rose Society Recognition 

American Rose Society Recognition    Ann Gibson

Three Syracuse Rose Society members were recognized as Consulting Rosarians during the Founders Day Dinner January 19, 2013.

The American Rose Society is primarily an educational institution and the Consulting Rosarian program is an important element in helping the Society carry out its educational function.  It is important that every CR take an active part in the American Rose Society, in the New York District Rose Society and the Syracuse Rose Society. Consulting Rosarians are expected to inspire love and appreciation of roses, help recruit new members to both the ARS and the SRS.  Above all, they should be knowledgeable in all aspects of rose culture and should share this knowledge willingly and cheerfully.

These  characteristics have been demonstrated in the work Dorothy Storms has completed over her many years as a distinguished Consulting Rosarian  The title of Consulting Rosarian Emeritus was presented to her in certificate form from the American Rose Society at the Founders  Day Dinner.

Two Syracuse Rose Society members, Dale Avers and Pam Dooling, were recognized as Consulting Rosarians after completing the following requirements:

     *     ARS member 3 consecutive  years

     *    Rose grower 5 years

     *   Member of SRS

     *   Attendance at a one day CR School

     *  Successful completion of a CR Examination reflecting knowledge in rose culture, soil and water management,  fertilizers, pest control, garden chemicals, major insects, diseases just to mention a few topics.

      *   Willingness to share information about rose culture and the American Rose   Society/ Syracuse Rose Society

Congratulations to Dorothy, Dale and Pam for their accomplishments.

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