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Climbers and Climbing Type Roses

in the Mills Rose Garden, Syracuse

Plant Hardiness Zone 5

By Jim Wagner





Prepared in response to an inquiry which included a request for a listing of climbing roses in the E. M. Mills Rose Garden

As there are a number of roses that have climbing rose characteristics that may be officially classified in other classes such as shrubs, both roses classified as Climbers and others with similar characteristics in this garden are shown below and include both those that survived and did not survive the harsh winter of 2013-14.  There are many other climbers and/or climbing type roses available to the consumer.


Climbers and other Climbing Type roses in this garden, most that were wrapped in burlap and survived the harsh winter of 2013-14.  Those classed in a different class and/or sub-class but with climbing characteristics are so identified.                       


Dortmund.  Continuous bloom all season. Classed as a Shrub with sub-class of Hybrid Kordesii

William Baffin.  Heavy June bloom. Sparse bloom rest of season. Classed as a Shrub with sub-class of Hybrid Kordesii

Dr. Huey.  Hybrid Wichurana. June bloom only.

Clair Matin.  Continuous bloom all season         

Henry Kelsey.  Heavy June bloom. Sparse bloom rest of season. Classed as a Shrub with sub-class of Hybrid Kordesii

White Dorothy. Classed as Hybrid Wichurana. Continuous bloom all season       

American Pillar. Classed as Hybrid Wichurana

Jeanne Lajoie.  Climbing Miniature. Continuous bloom all season.          

Don Juan. Somewhat shorter than most climbers

Newport Fairy. Classed as Hybrid Wichurana

Excelsa. Classed as Hybrid Wichurana

New Dawn.  Continuous bloom all season         

Westerland.  Classed as a Shrub.          

Zephirine Drouhin Classed as a Bourbon.                      

Alchymist    Classed as a Shrub.

Felicite Perpetue    Classed as Hybrid Sempervirens.


Others but without specific comments:

Isle Krohn Superior                    Veilchenblau                                                    

Crimson Rambler                       Improved Blaze                                    

Altissimo                                  Handel                                     

Aloha                                        Salita                                       

Alchymist                                  Sombreuil                                            


Climbers and other Climbing Type roses in this garden, that were wrapped in burlap and survived the harsh winter of 2013-14 but with serious winter dieback  All were pruned back and fully recovered.                      


Fourth of July. Exceptional Red/White Blend.  Continuous bloom

Dublin Bay. One of two that survived last winter. Continuous bloom.                                          

Pierre de Ronsard. Previously known as Eden Rose              


Climbing roses in this garden that did not survive the winter of 2013-14 even though wrapped in burlap for winter protection. 


America, Compassion, Golden Showers, Red Fountain, and Purple Flash.


 Of about 80 climbing and/or climbing type roses, there are multiple plantings of the following in this garden:


New Dawn (17), Clair Matin (10), William Baffin (6), Dortmund (3), Dr. Huey (4), Fourth of July (6).

American Pillar (3), Henry Kelsey (2), Blaze (7), White Dorothy (3), and Salita (2)


 File: Roses for Zone 5  REV.  2 (02/12/15)