Syracuse Rose Society

100 Years Old! Let's Celebrate!

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Our Anniversary Year Started at the Founders' Day Dinner

Photos above & below by Debbie Holihan

We Started with a Sumptuous Dinner

Officers for 2011

Photos by Greg Sohrweide

Rose Day June 15, 2011
Click for more scenes

Congratulatory letters poured in during the year

Gov. Cuomo Congratulated Us!
Click to See More Letters

Centennial Mugs to Celebrate the Year

Above left:  SRS Officers for Centennial Year (l-r):  Fran Bennie, Asst. Recording Secretary; John Prianti, Recd. Sec'y.; Darlene Lowell, Corresponding Secretary; Murial Prianti, Asst. Treasurer; Jim Wagner, Treasurer; David Rink, 4th Vice Pres  ident; Dottie White, 3rd V.P.; Carl Blanchard, President; Whitney Mills, 1st. V.P.  Absent:  Pat Pohl, 2nd V.P.

Above right:  Pam Dooling presents special mugs for the special occasion.

Below left:  Whitney Mills introduces evening speaker.

Below right:  Lois Stack discusses  Dr. Mills' "Ministry of the Beautiful" which led him to found SRS and become the first non-professional rose grower to head the American Rose Society. 

