Syracuse Rose Society

Visit the Mills Rose Garden

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Stop and Smell the Roses

June 2009 Photo by Easchiff
Click photo for more about Mills Garden and Thornden Park

E.M.Mills Garden, Syracuse NY
Photo by Joe Gibson, Summer 2008

Coming soon! Lawrence Johnston Climbers!
Photo by Jim Wagner

Learn about the garden's history

The Dr. E.M. Mills Rose Garden is located in Thornden Park, Syracuse, NY near the campus of Syracuse University.


Syracuse Rose Society members work in the Mills Garden Wednesday mornings from spring through fall.  Check out the Volunteers at the Rose Garden.


E.M. Mills Garden in September 2006


 The garden has an interesting history, having been established in1922. One of our current beds (Lady Ursula) contains plants from the original garden.

History of Mills Garden

Lawrence Johnston Climbers--First to Bloom!
Photo by Jim Wagner

E.M. Mills Garden in 2002

E.M. Mills Garden in September 2006

About 29 classes of roses from species to modern types comprise about 368 different varieties.

 Rose Varieties in the Mills Garden

The 3850 plants surround a central gazebo. Pathways, benches, and plant labels add comfort  and interest to the garden.


Directions to Mills Garden:

From North, South, or West, approach on Rt. 81. Exit at Adams St.; go east on Adams through University area to its dead-end at Ostrom Ave. Turn right, go one block to the first left turn, and turn left into the Mills Garden.

From East: From E. Genesee St. in Dewitt, approach on 481 South to its junction with Rt. 81. Go north on 81 to Adams St. exit. Proceed as above.

GPS Coordinates:  N 43 degrees 02.336'

W076 degrees 07.640'